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Dears, I’m moving this blog to

PLEASE join me there!



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Home from my visit home. Or — back in Glendale, CA after ten days visiting fam in Farmington Hills, MI where the air is smogless but fetid. Fireflies, mosquitoes, long sweaty days  — caught in the sticky strands of the family web.  Watching my parents being erased right off the page.

Momba nearly blind no longer reads novels, can barely get through the Times. Tentative gestures, unfocused. Even her handwriting has gone small and spidery. Poppa so thin his pacemaker pokes through his shirt. Each with an array of illnesses and worn out parts, but glad to be alive and glad to have us there.

Sobering. Not only watching my once powerful parents diminish and fade, but all the other history and chills of a visit home. There are so many more dead people there. Some who I keep forgetting have died  in my absence, seem to die all over again every time I visit home. Others who were once old it turns out I’ve now outlived.  Plus, an ex husband.  The road not taken…. well taken, but median jumped, U turn pulled. 

Anyway, in spite of the insult I could NOT risk letting my old deaf, blind, frail, hesitant, parents drive me or my kids around, so we seized their keys — and smashed up their Lincoln on a round -about.


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And so it begins…

With little or no intelligent design, I hereby hurl myself into the blogosphere. It begins on this the 26th day of June, 2011, (my half birthday) with:

1.) A middle grade novel (I hope will be my 15th published) on exclusive submissive submission to a new publisher. (stay tuned)
2.) A bunny rabbit unable and unwilling to eat anything but watermelon since being attacked (my fault) by a stray dog.
3.) Two fragrant kids (and their insignificant others) home from separate colleges to fill the sink with dishes and cover the floors with laundry for the summer.
4.) An imminent trip to the homeland (Detroit, Michigan) to visit the elderlies and assorted family bits, in-law and out, with my extra thirty pounds, and my kids, (one of whom is
scared of airplanes) while husband remains home on bunny duty.
5.) A garden full of bitter lettuce, thick-skinned tomatoes, dry green beans, and squirrels
nabbing my plums and apricots before they are ripe, having already shredded and
strewn about my peaches.
6.) A recently dead father-in-law, cousin-in-law and dog.
I suspect the above subjects comprise the bulk of future blog posts, with the addition of the occasional gig story, or rant. Such is my life….


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